August 15, 1958
Syracuse, New York Harold Journal
“IBEW Golf at Tecumseh
The first annual International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers inter-city golf tournament will be held tomorrow at Tecumseh starting at 10:30 a.m...
A field of 100 representing locals from Cleveland, Youngstown, and Painesville, Ohio, along with Buffalo and Syracuse, will compete in the medal play event sponsored by Locals 43 and 1249 of Syracuse.
The winning four-man team on a medal basis will receive the “Founders Trophy” donated by Locals 38 of Cleveland and 43 of Syracuse. A buffet luncheon and awarding of prizes will follow at the Yates Hotel”
August 17, 1994
Four Brothers from IBEW Local 82 traveled to Detroit, Michigan to participate in the 37th Annual Wiremen’s Golf Association Tournament. Those four brothers were; Nicholas Comstock, Ralph Helton, Bob Howard, and Bill Melke.
Since then Local 82 has been represented in every WGA Tournament. The members have played in tournaments hosted in12 different cities on 48 different tournament courses in the US and Canada.
August 17, 2005
WGA-Dayton hosts the 48th Annual Tournament. Local membership had grown to 22 members. Membership in the organization had grown to 42 locals and 982 members.
September 6, 2005
The Cleveland Plain Dealer published the obituary of Brother Thomas Rohrbach Founder and President of the WGA.
October 8, 2005
Brother Jeff Readinger Local 38 is elected to succeed Brother Rohrbach. Other action taken at the secretaries meeting was the changing of the tournament name to “The WGA Tom Rohrbach Memorial Tournament”. Local 38 announced that it would donate a new trophy for the Super Senior low net winner. The trophy is known as “The Tom Rohrbach President’s Cup”. Tom was that important and a great brother.
Syracuse, New York Harold Journal
“IBEW Golf at Tecumseh
The first annual International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers inter-city golf tournament will be held tomorrow at Tecumseh starting at 10:30 a.m...
A field of 100 representing locals from Cleveland, Youngstown, and Painesville, Ohio, along with Buffalo and Syracuse, will compete in the medal play event sponsored by Locals 43 and 1249 of Syracuse.
The winning four-man team on a medal basis will receive the “Founders Trophy” donated by Locals 38 of Cleveland and 43 of Syracuse. A buffet luncheon and awarding of prizes will follow at the Yates Hotel”
August 17, 1994
Four Brothers from IBEW Local 82 traveled to Detroit, Michigan to participate in the 37th Annual Wiremen’s Golf Association Tournament. Those four brothers were; Nicholas Comstock, Ralph Helton, Bob Howard, and Bill Melke.
Since then Local 82 has been represented in every WGA Tournament. The members have played in tournaments hosted in12 different cities on 48 different tournament courses in the US and Canada.
August 17, 2005
WGA-Dayton hosts the 48th Annual Tournament. Local membership had grown to 22 members. Membership in the organization had grown to 42 locals and 982 members.
September 6, 2005
The Cleveland Plain Dealer published the obituary of Brother Thomas Rohrbach Founder and President of the WGA.
October 8, 2005
Brother Jeff Readinger Local 38 is elected to succeed Brother Rohrbach. Other action taken at the secretaries meeting was the changing of the tournament name to “The WGA Tom Rohrbach Memorial Tournament”. Local 38 announced that it would donate a new trophy for the Super Senior low net winner. The trophy is known as “The Tom Rohrbach President’s Cup”. Tom was that important and a great brother.